Thursday, October 26, 2006

I have 69 years left

According to three sites that predict your day of death, I have 69 years left. That puts me at 93 years old when I die. That's a long ass time to live. Each site predicted my death within a couple months of each other in the summer of 2075. I've always disliked the summer, it makes sense I would die during one.

That seems like such a long ways away, but yet it creeps up fast. I remember my 13th birthday party like it was last year.

Speaking of birthday parties and traditions. An odd thing happened to me when I was 11 years old (men, stop reading - this story is about a woman's monthly visitor). It was the fall of when I was 11, my 12th birthday was the next spring, in April.

I remember my mom asking me about my birthday party, just idle chit chat to amuse a kid. I told her "mommy, my period is going to start on my birthday." Of course, she thought I was silly. I was only 11! And predicting the Day of Doom? No way.

Well, guess what happened on my 12th birthday party? Yup, the Bleeding Beast arrived. You can ask my mom, she was freaked out. It was fun being the only fifth grader on my period.

What's your death prediction? Gotta be spooky for Halloween :-)


Unknown said...

One said 45 one said 77. Either I drown in my friends's pool or it's a heroine overdose. Go figure.

Elisabeth Naughton said...

You are twisted and MORBID. And I'm not answering this question.

Lisa Pulliam said...

Lillian - I'd prefer to drown in friend's pool at age 77.

Eli - You act so surprised that I'm morbid ;-)

Lisa Pulliam said...

Piper - that is pretty neat ;-) You're crazy woman!

Lisa Pulliam said...

Piper - that is pretty neat ;-) You're crazy woman!