Saturday, October 21, 2006

Avoidance behavior

As you all know, I'm in editing mode right now. I'm struggling to know at what point I've edited enough. It seems so subjective.

So I've got the day off, all by myself, my parents are taking my dog for a couple of days so I can focus. What am I doing? I watched season 3 of Laguna Beach on MTV. Laguna Beach people! That is a new low for avoidance behavior.

I always thought that show was sooooooooo stupid. So what do I do? Watch 10 episodes of it on my day off. Good lord.

I need to get to work.

P.S. Kyndra and Cami are not nice people. Cameron is so not hot. Alex doesn't know what he's missing with Raquel and Tessa is a doll.


Elisabeth Naughton said...

Oh. My. God. I'm about to get my whip out, missy.

It's has a purple tassle at the end. And it stings as it crosses flesh. I'm warning you now. Eli with a whip, not a pretty picture.

Turn off the TV and get back to work. Ass in chair. Hands on keyboard. Edit. Edit. Edit.

(Remember, I know where you live...)

Erin said...

Ah the joys of editing...or avoiding editing as the case may be. I have to agree that you've found a new low in avoidance, but at the same time I must applaud you in your ingenuity. Now GET TO WORK so you can be like me! I finished edits last night (4th round), and I'm putting this puppy to bed!

Now, to pimp it out for all it's worth.

Paty Jager said...

Maybe you just need a day off. Don't think at all about writing. Then hit it hard. Editing is the easiest to avoid. The story no longer calls to you and you look at the editing as work rather than creativity.

Use it as creativity and you'll be back at it.

LOL Easy for me to say who is hoping to get a few quality hours to finish my darn galley!

Princess in Galoshes said...

I find Real World marathons are also an excellent avoidance strategy.

Also: Kyndra and Cami are MEAN and deserve whatever craptastic karma-laden evilness is headed their way.

Lisa Pulliam said...

Eli - You with a whip scares the shit out of me. Luckily I watched all the season 3 episodes there were so I won't be tempted to watch anymore. However, I'm considering watching this week's new episode to see Rocky's reaction to Alex being a prick. *slaps myself* Nevermind.

Erin - Applauding my ingenuity, hahahaha! I love it! You're such a sweetie, making me feel better. Congrats on finishing edits! That's so awesome!!!!!! Best of luck with your pimptastic ways.

Paty - Now there's a great idea. I'm taking next Saturday off for sure. Football game (Go Ducks!) and Halloween party. How's your galley going?

Princess - They are totally going to get the karma-bite-in-the-ass. Beotches. What is your favorite real world season? Mine is Seatlle. Both for proximity to where I live and David. *sigh*. I had my picture taken with him once but I can't find it. Dammit!

S William - I'm glad I wasn't drinking water when I read that because I would have made a fool of myself at work. Brilliant advice. It's not my tv anyway, I wonder if he'd mind... ;-)