Monday, October 16, 2006

Dogs rule

Yet another reason why I am a dog person:

RHINE, Wis. (AP) - After a disabled woman's cat started a house fire, her specially trained dog rescued her by bringing a phone to call for help. Jamie Hanson, 49, received third-degree burns on her arm in the fire that killed both of her pets, Sheboygan County Sheriff's officials said Monday.

The fire started Sunday night when Hanson's cat knocked a candle onto a chair. Hanson's dog then brought her a phone, allowing her to call for help.

Hanson, who lost a leg in a car accident, told the dispatcher she was disabled but would try to leave the house, Lt. Chad Broeren said. Firefighters found her standing in the doorway as flames engulfed the home, he said.

She was taken to Sheboygan Memorial Hospital. Her injuries are not life threatening, Broeren said.

I bet the cat started the fire on purpose (not for suicide, for homicide).

Moving on. I had a pretty good weekend of revisions. I did a lot of color-coded highlighting. Man, that really helps. I recommend that you give Margie Lawson's EDITS system a try. It really helps you see where you have too much internal thinking or description, and where you need more emotion.

How was your weekend?


Paty Jager said...

I use some color coding, but I'm thinking of doing some more when I get back into the new books. Still trying to get through the proof for Gambling and do PR stuff as well as all the other RWA stuff and work.

My weekend - Friday I made 6000 cookies with 20 4-H members, Saturday my dh and I hauled hay, moved cows, made a cover for our new well, and drained pipes. Sunday we put screws on the new metal roof on a shed, planted poles, mowed the lawn, blew out the yard sprinkler system and had company arrive.

Yeesh! I thought when all the kids left my life would slow down! It seems to have sped up. Would someone please stop my roller coaster so I can get off! LOL

Anonymous said...

I don't know. I just caught my dog eating the chicken I brought home for dinner! Grrr.

Emma Petersen said...

I bet the cat started the fire on purpose (not for suicide, for homicide).

We both know the dog really set the fire and blamed it on the poor hapless cat!

And as for my weekend I was hopped up on Nyquil so my weekend was pretty good actually. :D

Lisa Pulliam said...

Woah, Paty. Dang you got a lot going on! Only a couple more months and the day job is done :-)

Lillian, dang dog! Grrr. My dog sat on my keyboard and somehow turned off my touchpad earlier. brat. Took me 15 minutes to figure out how to undo it. And a hardreboot didn't work.

Emma, oooooh a cat person :-) Dogs are too sweet for that kind of trickery. On nyquil, eh? You feeling better?