Monday, February 20, 2006

Feeling stuck again

I didn't meet my word count goal for the weekend, which frustrates me. But just by revising the 10k I had, I added another 1,000 words. I then added about another 1,000 fresh text on top of that. So 2k of 5k isn't terrible. I would hav easily hit my goal, but I hit another roadblock.
My heroine is going to help solve a crime during the book. I had a crime in mind that led her to the hero, but it's just not working for me. So now I have to think of a new crime, arrghh. Does anyone know of a cool Web site that gives situations for crimes? I could use some inspiration.

I've also just decided not to go to the Romantic Times convention. I'm bummed, but I think it's for the best. The hubby and I want to buy a house and that $1,000 or so would look better in our savings account than being used on a conference. Hopefully I can make it to the RWA convention in July instead. And I'll definitely have my book done by then. The good news is that since I'm no longer taking a week of vacation for that convention, I can take a week off another time. So I'm taking a week off in March. Hopefully I'll get a ton done on the book.

Goal for today: Think of new crime as basis for my story that will keep the hero and heroine interacting throughout the book and write at least 1,000 words.

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