Monday, September 25, 2006

Hero help

I love Alpha heroes. They're tough, strong, take-charge and great lovers (at least in romance novels).

When I was working on my vampire paranormal series, an alpha hero was all I would consider. It just fits well with paranormal, or at least the ones I like. But now that I'm working on a contemporary, I'm struggling with the type of hero.

I know his archetype, characteristics and his character arc. But I'm having a hard time imagining how to make him alpha with this book and plot. I have scenes with his alpha tendencies, but throughout the book he doesn't fit what an alpha male is in my mind.

I did a bit of research about the three main hero types: alpha, beta and gamma. Through my googling (that word has to be in Webster's soon) I found some great definitions on Annie Dean's blog:

Alpha - He has to be successful- a man of achievement. Independent. A ruler – a man of power. Strong, handsome, vigorous. A leader. In human societies, the signs of success are wealth and power – and so the Alpha hero has to have the outward trappings – those visible signs of success that the world values – money, houses, cars, businesses...

Beta - These romances have kinder, gentler heroes, the kind of men who will change your flat tire, open doors for you, help your kid with his homework, and bring you soup when you are sick. They are the anti-thesis of the testosterone-filled chest beaters found in the earlier bodice-ripper romances. These are the guys we all want to find in real life.

Gamma - One who doesn't fit the image of the macho Alpha male, or the easygoing Beta either. He's a combination--a mutation?--of both types of man, and makes a hero to die for.

I think my hero is a gamma. I like that definition. My guy isn't pushy or take-charge all the time. He's like that when he needs to be, but also tender when he needs to be. That's what draws the heroine in. She's 100% convinced he's a baboon ass, then he doesn't something so amazingly sweet that she second guesses her conclusion.

So, which would you most like to read about? What are the characteristics of your favorite fiction heroes? What bothers you about heroes you've read?


Paty Jager said...

My heroes are all Gammas and that's what I like to read. If a hero is too Alpha I can't stand him. I don't like arrogant men! I want them tough, but I want them to be soft too! LOL

Elisabeth Naughton said...

It depends on the book, the plot, the heroine and what "works". How's that for wishy-washy??? LOL

I like all heroes as long as they're "real".

Lisa Pulliam said...

I totally agree with you Paty. And yeah Eli, way to be wishy-washy ;-) But you're right, they have to be real. Some books need more alpha, some need more beta. It depends on the plot and the heroine I think. They need to play off each other well.

Karmela said...

Ah Lisa, you know me. I focus on the heroine FIRST, then design a hero to fit her. As in, what is she secretly attracted to AND what makes her acutely uncomfortable?

If she's a meek woman who's relied all her life on a strong man, I usually have her character arc as someone growing in strength and then I give her a man who makes her make her own choices.

If she's a tough girl who is attracted to other tough men, then she evolves into someone who discovers her own nurturing tendencies and then I give her a guy who works in a soup kitchen.

You need to torture your characters. Put them in situations where they feel great discomfort/danger/awkwardness. And then give them a partner they wouldn't normally pick but that they secretly yearn for.

chanceofbooks said...

I am usually drawn to Alpha characters both in books and my own writing. But, the book I have in mind for NaNoWriMo has a decidely Beta hero. But that is what that heroine really needs. My YA book has a Gamma hero, but straight Alpha just doesn't work as well in YA IMHO.