Thursday, September 21, 2006

Grey's Anatomy

Okay, I'm watching it live now. So this blog post is open during the hour and I'm typing my thoughts as they come through while watching the show. My memory is poor and I wouldn't remember everything after the show.

1) I thought that the summer was enough time to mourn the loss of Denny. Nope. As soon as I saw Izzy lying on the bathroom floor, I started bawling like a baby. Thank goodness for the WB's Supernatural so I can still get my fix of the actor.

2) I hope that Addison kicks the shit out of Meredith. I can't stand Meredith. The other characters are why I watch the show. I can't wait to see what she does with the panties (although I already have an idea thanks to stupid radio commercials).

3) I love how they let bits of Alex's good character leak in. When he picked up the baby and took it from the ER to keep it from the flu, I could have kissed him. But, I still have a crush on him from the Wedding Planner.

4) I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE Christina. "He's acting all McGuilty and he asks what this means." McGuilty? I love it!

5) Not that I watch ER, but from commercials I know that it's a crisis driven show. Let me amend that to unbelievable, ridiculous crisis happening unbelievably often. Well, the whole plague thing has a bit of EResque to it.

6) The scene where Derek kicked Addison out was super dramatic. I don't know who to be madder at. Addison for starting it, or Derek for continuing it after he said he wouldn't. Meredith isn't a prize people. Addison is a hot redhead. I'd pick Addison. Meredith is neurotic and needy. WTF?

7) Oh my God! Christina going totally fangirl over Burke while he was hitting on the chick. Hahaha!

8) McDreamy is in love with Meredith? Dude. He needs some psychological help. "When I had a choice to make, I chose wrong." Dude, Addison is awesome.

9) Hahaha, panties on the Lost and Found. LOVE IT! Way to go Addison.

10) Oh, now I'm crying again. Christina, why did you have to break down? I hate crying. HATE IT.

11) After crying and spending 24 hours in a prom dress - how can Izzy still look so gorgeous?

12) This show completes me.

1 comment:

Lisa Pulliam said...

I'll have to give Battlestar Galactica a try. I don't watch a lot of SciFi, but I keep hearing how good that show is.

I hope you don't get salmonella too ;-)