Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Devil Dog

Over the last few days my dog has taken up a habit of EATING MY BOOKS! Not okay. She pulls them off the shelf while I'm at work. It was okay because I had my least favorite books on the bottom shelves.

Until she got to my FAVORITE BOOK OF ALL TIME. I didn't realize it was mixed in with the books on the bottom. She ate the binding off it. I've had that book for as long as I can remember. It's called Arm in Arm by Remy Chelip.


Paty Jager said...


And as to the car! It is totally you!

Elisabeth Naughton said...

ROFL. That pic is cute.

Consider yourself lucky. When our dog was a puppy he had a thing for shoes. Not just any shoes, expensive shoes. He went in search of them - DH's golf shoes, his baseball coaching shoes, my spendy heels. He left the ratty sneakers we left lying around alone and went for the good stuff.

He also got my bookshelf one time - ate the spine off my classic Gone With The Wind - but the kicker was when he climbed on the couch and grabbed the video rentals from the table and ATE THEM. It's a wonder he survived.

Lisa Pulliam said...

You're so right, Paty! :-) But I do have a chair in front of the window so she can watch outside while I'm gone.

Eli - he ate the videos? Jeez. It is a wonder he survived. Well, at least Roxy doesn't eat expensive shoes. On the other hand, the most expensive shoes I own are probably worth $20 ;-)

Piper, you are hilarious. I almost peed my pants I am laughing so hard. Almost. Your story may work if I hadn't caught her in the act. But maybe the rat cast a possession spell on her? But you're right, it's hard to stay mad. She's so freaking adorable.