Tuesday, September 19, 2006

45 Master Characters

One of the things I am focusing on heavily in my writing right now is character building. I've realized that when I think of an idea, it's always plot related, not character related. To me, that's not the best way to go in romance writing.

It's time to nip that in the bud so I ordered a few character building how-to books to spark some ideas and help me craft three dimensional characters. Last night I began looking through "45 Master Characters, Mythic Models for Creating Original Characters" by Victoria Lynn Schmidt. I ordered it because it explains character archetypes on a level that I understand - Greek mythological figures as the archetypes basis. Perfect!!!

I highly recommend this book if you're trying to pin down some generalities and great examples of how a certain type of person may react, their fears, goals, etc. I know once I write more and more I won't need help like this, but it's always good to reach out to other types of characters that you haven't used before.

One of the best parts of this book is it gives TV, movie and historical/literature examples of each character type. For example, when talking about a "seductive muse" character (Aphrodite), it gives Samantha from Sex and the City as an example. Ok, I get it. I've seen the show, that explains to me who an Aphrodite archetype is.

I found the archetype that matches the generalities I had in mind for my heroine. It fits her to a T and helped me with her motivations. I love, love, love this book! Now I'm on the hunt for a hero. Did I mention it tells you which archetypes of the opposite sex would best help you achieve a character arc? See, told'ya this book is awesome.


Anonymous said...

Sounds like a good book but don't you think that if you follow advice to much from books that it takes away from your creative advancement?

Wow that almost sounded kind of intelligent did it not?

I so should get author rights on your next book!


Lisa Pulliam said...

It did sound intelligent, way to go Stan! lol. You're a total brat. It doesn't take away from creative advancement, it enhances it of course.

But what do you know, you're just the idea man. I'm the writer. ;-) As we've discussed, you'll get the dedication. You are not my co-author. You have to write to earn that credit.

Princess in Galoshes said...

Actually, it sounds very helpful. It's all about stepping stones, right? Step on the stone another author placed to get your own creativity to stretch that much further....

Or something like that.

Second cup of coffee also works wonders.

Anonymous said...

You are simply what we in the profession call a “Ghost Writer” a writer who simply puts on papers the creative though of another. I am the genius behind this operation lets just admit this. :)


Lisa Pulliam said...

I like you Princess, you're smart.

Stan on the other hand... ;-) Let me ask what you mean by "we in the profession." What profession would that be? Is there a union for people who provide useless ideas to poor writers who have to smile and nod their heads and pretend to consider it?

I'll explain to you what a ghost writer is. Let me think of an example. Hmmmm... Say for instance you write speeches or fundraising letters and put someone else's name on it because they are the one who is delivering it. That makes a person a ghost writer. Make sense?

And you the genius behind the creative operation? If you had it your way all my characters would be having wild orgy's!

(Yes people, we know each other. Don't be alarmed, I'm not this snarky with all my commenters. Don't be frightened)

Elisabeth Naughton said...

Greek Mythology archetypes????


(Sounds like another book Elisabeth will need to borrow and confiscate and then hold for ransom - which she never plans to collect on.)

Okay, so when can I borrow it???