Monday, April 03, 2006

Vaca - ooooooooh yeah

What I'll refer to as BAWC, a.k.a. Big Ass Work Crisis, came to an end today. Which means...da dum de da...I can take vacation next week! Friday, April 7 at 5 p.m. to Monday, April 17 at 8 a.m. That's a lot of free time - exactly 231 hours.

You know what I can do in 231 hours? Pump out about 70k of my novel. You laugh. You scoff. You doubt. I know, I know. You think I'm crazy. Alas, I am not crazy. I am going to make the most of my week of freedom, thus just about finishing the first draft. By no means will it be a readable draft. It will be a starting point to begin the Edit from Hell.

My ultimate goal is to have the first draft finished by April 21 - my birthday. Then I can par-tay like there ain't no tomorrow. Ooooooh yeah. I can already taste my special concoction: orange juice, pineapple juice, granadine and everclear. Yup, everclear. I'm no lightweight my friend. A couple of those and I'm relaxed enough to dance and it saves me $ at the bars :-)

I encourage you all to stop in at Romance Divas and check out the Diva Workshop forum. A couple dozen folks submitted 1k of their WIP and you can post your comments. It's a great way for those of us who submitted to hear some feedback with immediate gratification and no damage to the pocketbook. There's also kick booty prizes for those who judge the entries - so sign up!

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