Sunday, April 09, 2006

New puppy?

I might be getting a puppy! Happy dance! My lovely, adorable, fantastical hubby gave the go ahead :-) So, I'm jumping on the opportunity before he changes his mind. But damn is it hard to pick out a breed. There are several things I want in a dog, and when I think I found a breed to fit it, I read that it doesn't. But then I read that it's not always about the breed, it's about how they're trained.

I need a dog that can live in a multi-unit building; can be left alone for chunks of time (I work outside of the home, but may be able to keep the dog with someone near work to check on it a few times a day); isn't a big barker; small (preferably 10 pounds or smaller); doesn't need daily eye and ear cleaning preferably. Does anyone have any suggestions?

I'm looking at shih tzus, lhasa apsos primarily, but open to any other ideas. :-) Yay for pupppy!

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