Thursday, April 20, 2006

New schedule

It's time to set some order in my life. My writing and weight-losing just ain't gettin' done. I've devised a new plan for my day. I will probably be on the verge of jumping off a bridge in two weeks, but we'll see.

5:30 a.m. (yeah, I know.) - Grumble that my alarm is going off and hiss at the dog for waking me up 30 minutes earlier by licking my forehead and biting my ear. Jump out of bed before Roxy pees on it or wakes the hubby up. I usually wake up at 7:15, so this will be an adjustment to say the least. Play with the dog, set up her kennel and have my heart broken at her whining please to stay with me and not be locked away.

6 a.m. - Grudgingly leave Roxy and my hubby and head to the town I work in.

6:30 a.m. - Meet three of my coworkers for some pain-filled cardio hell. Did I say hell? I meant fun. Thank goodness for iPods and books, or I would go C-R-A-Z-Y.

7:15 a.m. - Shower at the gym. Talk about low water pressure. At least it's nice and hot.

8 a.m. - Go to work.

Lunchtime - Read or work on my book. Or take a nap in the creepy room attached to the women's bathroom that has a chaise lounge.

5 p.m. - Go home.

5:30 p.m. - Walk through my front door, trying my hardest not to shower my Roxy with kisses. I have to lessen the impact of my departures and arrivals, so it's simply, "Hi, Roxy." Then after five minutes we play :-) Cook dinner, take Roxy on a walk and beg her to do her dirty work outside for once.

6:30 p.m. - Take a nap. You'll see why in a minute.

7:30ish... p.m. - Write and watch TV while I wait for the hubby to return home sometime over the next few hours. The nap allows me to stay up later and get up at the butt crack of dawn, with low ill effects. Hopefully. Hang out with Roxy and the hubby, then go to bed to repeat it all over again.

Now that I've written it out - mind you this exercise was for my own sick amusement - I don't have much time in there for writing. Dammit! Time to reevaluate. I may have to cut out the nap. Ouch. I'm a 7-8 hours of sleep person, not 4-5. No. Way. Jose.

And, I didn't meet my goal of having my first draft of "Cursed to Hate, Bound to Love" completed by my b-day tomorrow. Dang nabbit.

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