Friday, March 24, 2006

Russian Gypsy fortune telling

The great ladies at The Midnight Hour hosted Russian Gypsy Fortune Teller Naomi Neale this week. I was one of two lucky readers to win a reading by Naomi. Check it out!
I'm nervous about what the bridge and crayfish cards are referring to...I'll keep my eyes peeled for that. I'm going to assume that the sun, apple, castle cards are referring to a long and prosperous writing career :-) I'm also going to assume that the firewood card refers to the successful conclusion to my weight loss journey.

There's also a free contest at Romance Divas going on. Send in any five pages (single spaced!) of your manuscript and you'll receive feedback - for free. The best price. And no 6-8 month wait time on getting feedback or scores. I think I'm going to submit the first five pages of my MS to see if it succeeds at all in grabbing the reader's attention, setting up the story and keeping the reader interested.

To access the contest you need to register with Romance Divas. Go to the forums, click on the "diva chit-chat" board and the rules are in the "our next contest" thread.

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