Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Questions in quads

Four jobs I've had
1) PR for a university
2) Reporter for a daily paper
3) Merchandise hostess at Disney World
4) Resident assistant in dorms

Four movies I can watch over and over again
1) Dracula 2000 (Gerard Butler + vampires = a pleasurable viewing experience)
2) Napoleon Dynomite
3) Cry Baby (Johnny Depp...need I say more?)
4) Wedding Crashers

Four places I've lived
1) Gresham, Ore.
2) Eugene, Ore.
3) Salem, Ore.
4) Lake Buena Vista, Fl.

Four current TV shoes I love
1) Grey's Anatomy
2) Sons and Daughters
3) Lost
4) The Apprentice

Four places I've vacationed
1) Hawaii (Kona is my fave!)
2) Key West, Fl.
3) Las Vegas
4) Oregon coast

Four of my favorite dishes
1) Fried rice (pork, vegetable or chicken)
2) Fettuccini Alfredo
3) Stroganoff (sp?)
4) Chicken strips

Four blogs I read everyday
1) Michelle Rowen
2) Miss Snark
3) Pub Rants
4) The Midnight Hour

Four places I'd rather be right now
1) World Showcase (U.K. pavillion) at Epcot in Disney World
2) Scotland, anywhere would do
3) Greece, again, anywhere would do that has ancient ruins
4) Kona, Hawaii

Courtesy of Michelle Rowen. Tag you're it, that's right - YOU!

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