Monday, May 22, 2006

Girl's week

Yes, this week is a girl's week in the Pulliam household. The man of the house it taking a well-deserved vacation this week after a stressful several months. I'm not going on this vacation so it's me and Roxy. Slum-ber-par-tay. If only I had cute puppy pajamas for her.

But she does have bows for her ears now thanks to the groomers at Petsmart.

She looks pissed, I know. I would be too if someone was messing with my anal glands and putting rubber banded bows on my ears. But I digress.

I figured that with the hubby gone I might as well buckle down and write like crazy. I'm a bit behind on my goals for the novel...however I'm doing good on my Phaze Samba submission.

However, after I got to thinking about it, I'm not going to have that much extra time. One evening will be spent shampooing the carpet in our home to get rid of any traces of puppy piss. Another evening will be spent in a laundrymat washing our, again, get rid of any traces of puppy piss. A third evening will be spent cleaning our place, I've been slacking lately. Okay, that's three of four evenings down. I guess I can spend the fourth evening writing.

Yeah, it's gonna be a great week.


Elisabeth Naughton said...

She is adorable!!!

Enjoy your week sans DH. Go do something fun!

Lisa Pulliam said...

Thanks :-) She's so cute at night. When we go to sleep she lays on my pillow and puts her head on my shoulder.

Something fun...I wish. I haven't even done half the chores I was supposed to do. Too much going on at work :-)