Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Blog schedule

In an effort to make my blog more interesting and update it as often as I should, I've created a schedule. It seems to work for others, why not me? This way I can squeeze in all the silly stuff I want without looking like a randomized lunatic.

Here 'tis:
Monday - Writing update as I will have probably done most of the week's writing on Sunday...
Tuesday - Rant on something about life or writing, I'm sure I'll always have something
Wednesday - Hot guy to spice up the middle of the week
Thursday - Writing tips I steal from more experienced people
Friday - Silly stuff (quizzes, jokes, funny pictures, etc)
Saturday - Writing prompt to get our creative juices flowing
Sunday - Book review

And of course I'll add oddball stuff here and there. As I've mentioned before, I like lists. They make me happy. I like schedules. They also make me happy. Thus a blog schedule makes me very happy. I am now at peace.

Let's see, it's Tuesday so I must prepare a rant.

1 comment:

Elisabeth Naughton said...

You crack me up. Wait, let me guess...you're a plotter!

ROFL. I think it's great you can make a schedule and stick with it. I fly by the seat of my pants. Schedules make me feel stuck. I'll be watching to see if you keep up with it. ;)