Monday, June 26, 2006

Tag, I'm it

Thanks for the tag Karmela :-)

Man, this was hard to think of.

1. A song by the first band you liked:
Anything by the Monkees. Davy Jones, *sigh*

2. A song that makes you think of your best friend:
Sweet Home Alabama by Lynyrd Skynyrd. Nobody rocks the house when that song comes on like the Stanimal, baby.

3. A song by the first band you saw in concert:
I know I saw several bands when I was a wee one in concert, but this is the first concert I really remember. New Kids on the Block, the song is Step by Step. I remember driving from Portland to Seattle. All the other girls had painted stuff on their cars and would flash the universal peace sign to each other up I-5. It was rad.

4. A song that reminds you of college/school:
College Girls are Easy by Easy E. I think that's who sings it. I thought that song was hilarious, I blasted it from my stereo on my dorm room as my first taste of rebellion.

5. A song that makes you think of a boyfriend/girl (love) past or present:
I Knew I Loved You by Savage Garden.

I tag:
Elisabeth Naughton
Piper Lee
Paty Yager

1 comment:

Karmela said...

Awwwww, "I Know I Loved You!" LOVE that song. e