Monday, January 30, 2006

Writing progress

Things are going well on the writing front. My biggest challenge right now is pulling my nose out of other people's books and work on my own. It's hard to stop reading though because with each book I read, I feel like it makes me a stronger writer. If that makes any sense.

This weekend I'm going on a beach retreat with the Mid-Willamette Valley RWA. I'm looking forward to it. I think we'll be doing something called a story board and we'll all pitch in brainstorming for everyone's manuscripts. I could use a few ideas to keep the ball rolling.

I also busted out The Plot Doctor workbook. I used it when I did NaNoWriMo. It will probably help me again now that I'm redoing the NaNo MS. I highly recommend this workbook to anyone who's a plotter and outliner before doing a lot of writing. There are some great worksheets in there to get the juices rolling for building characters, scenes and conflict.

Hopefully I'll come back from the beach on Sunday with my whole novel, maybe part of the series, fully outlined and planned out. Fingers crossed! All I need is my writing binder and Alphasmart 3000 baby! Oh yeah, and clean underwear.

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