Monday, January 23, 2006

Lots of progress

I restarted my novel last week. After only a few hours I'm up to about 10,000 words according to Microsoft Word's counter. Using the 25 lines/page method I'm up to about 12,000 words so far. Things are going pretty smooth. I'm much happier with the characters, setting and dialogue now.
I even have the next few books mapped out in the series so I can get started on the second one while I'm pitching the first one. I also have an idea for a contemporary that I'm anxious to work on.

The biggest surprise was that I'm writing the story in 1st person. I hadn't planned on it, it just seems that it will work better that way. Especially since it's going to be a multi-book series.

I have to also say thanks to the person who helped me with ideas for the books. You're fantastic!

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