Monday, July 09, 2007

Rated R - naughty me

Free Online Dating

Stole the link from the lovely Michelle Rowen (go check out her new release, Fanged & Fabulous!!!!)

I know I haven't been blogging, well, at all. I have just run low (or out) of things to chat about. I'm going to the RWA convention this week, hopefully that will give me plenty of things (and photos teehee) to blab about for weeks to come.

Tell me how you are!


Lift Heavy Rock said...

I thought you were the uncut, unrated, extended version?

Paty Jager said...

Good to see you back!

Kristen Painter said...

Isn't it time to blog again? DOn't make me

Lift Heavy Rock said...

Just wanted to say hi. It's been a while. What's new?kn