Thursday, December 14, 2006

Bite the bullet

I know, it's been a reaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaalllly long time since I posted. Work related things have been all-consuming. Ok, that's not the whole truth. The past week or so hasn't been that bad. But you know when something has built and built and it becomes overwhelming? That was blogs for me. It had been so long since I've written or read one that it was daunting.

How would I catch up on all these great people's posts? I'm such a terrible person for not reading them. I get frustrated when blogs I read aren't updated at least weekly and here I am doing it. I suck!

Okay, I was beating myself up too much. But neurotic people tend to do that. After several frantic and concerned e-mails from people and the endearing "come back" comments on this blog that were popping through my e-mail, I decided to bite the bullet.

It feels good to blog again. I know, I'm acting like I was away for a year but it damn near feels like it! I posted on our chapter blog yesterday about PR for writers.

I didn't realize how much I had come to rely on blogs, both reading and writing them. Writing is an isolating profession and blogs allow me to keep in touch and see how others are doing. And writing a blog keeps me writing and my sense of humor going even in the dark times in my life.

So I hope you'll forgive me for my absence. I hope to never go that long without reading or writing blogs again. It gives me chills to think about it.

In lighter news. My puppy got a haircut so when I get home tonight I'm taking pictures of her in a Santa suit for my Christmas card. I'll post the pic, it will be adorable I'm sure. She's been a hellion lately. She destroyed almost all of my pink ornaments one day. I heard your gasp, I know. Blasphemy. You're probably surprised I kept her. I am too some days. I started crating her again while I'm at work and within a few days she began eating her poop again. Ugh! Always something.

Today my Christmas gift from the ex-dh should come in the mail. He was sweet enough to buy me a fancy widescreen monitor. The reason this is uber fantastic is because I can have two Microsoft Word documents open side-by-side. Outline and book. Woohoo! I'm so excited I can hardly contain myself.

I have to admit I have still been playing Puzzle Pirates, but I have cut back the time a lot. But, before you start saying "Lisa, writing is more important. That time should be spent writing." I have rationale to playing the game. Several good reasons really. 1) Most of my crew is from England and Scotland. As many of you know I am highly fond of those areas of the world. I am researching language and culture via the game which will help me in an upcoming book. It's true! Stop giving me that look. 2) I may write a pirate book. Hey, you never know! 3) The most important reason is it furthers me in my quest to find a hunky Scotsman. My exposure when from 0 to like 20 guys. Unfortunately most of them are minors and I don't condone illegal acts in that regard. But, I'm willing to be patient.

What have you been up to? Exciting plans for the holidays?


chanceofbooks said...

If you really want to meet a Scotsman, hang out at some highland games or scottish festivals. Your "crew" could very well be from Detroit and just watch a lot of Braveheart on DVD. :) :) On the other hand, maybe your pirates are like Alice and her solitaire :)

And I feel you how something builds and builds and gets overwhelming the longer you put it off. Story of my life.

Can't wait to see the puppy pictures. Have you tried busy balls for your puppy? Kong and other manufactures make toys that you stuff with goodies, and they have to work to get the goodies out. It exercises their brain and makes them feel less lonely.

Unknown said...

You and that dog, I tell ya...

Paty Jager said...

Glad to have you back!! I was getting worried.

You Wavy's idea about a busy ball is a good idea. And little dogs do tend to be vindictive. Leaving them alone makes them mad and they destroy things. Then locking her up while you are gone the only thing she can do to get back at you... Do you leave a radio on when you are gone? Some times that is enough of an interaction to make them think they aren't alone.

I know the feeling about not blogging or reading blogs! All during my trip last week, I felt like I was stranded all because I couldn't e-mail people and blog! Sheesh, is this an obsession? And I pride myself on not being addicted to anything! LOL

Glad you're back!

Naomi said...

Lisa, I demand you write a pirate book. Pirates rule all.

Nice to see you back :)

Lisa Pulliam said...

Wavy - I go to the Highland Games in Gresham every year :) I love it! But most of the people there are like me, lovers of all things Scottish. Not Scots themselves :P I have tried Kongs and things, but she gets bored of them. Ugh. Little brat. Cute little brat though.

Jenna, I know. I know...

S, Groovy blog lovin', I love it.

Paty, yeah! So much for the non-addiction. Glad to be back :)

Naomi, thanks for the support. If there is demand, I must supply it :P

S, bloody brilliant mate!

Bonnie Staring said...

Thank gawd you're back! Please write the pirate vampire novel. Oh, and be sure to include a barrel of cursed Brussels sprouts too. ARG!

R.G. ALEXANDER said...

Good to have you back Lisa!!!!
Hey-maybe you're feisty Scot vamp from the game could fall for a Bloody Pirate! {or some hunky stud in a cute costume} LOL

Lisa Pulliam said...

Bonnie, brilliant idea! I have to write a story now, at least a short story and I'll put it in pieces on my blog. It's gotta be done.

R.G., oooooh, yeah! Bring both games together! I'm sad to admit that I stopped playing the vamp game this week. I'm getting attacked all the time :( No fun anymore.

Lisa Pulliam said...

Update: I'm playing Puzzle Pirates right now and told them of the story I am to write. They have helped me come up with a title for the first saga. The Curse of the Brussel Sprouts: Foul Winds.