Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Weed out the fib

I've been tagged by Erin! :-)

Among the 5 items listed below, one is a lie. You get to try to determine which it is, and post your answer in the comments.

1. I once worked at Walt Disney World
2. I have a large collection of yellow things with smiley faces on them
3. I've never been out of the country even though I live only 6 hours from the Canadian border
4. I did calligraphy on my own wedding invitations
5. When I was about 7 years old I laughed so hard I peed my pants

I tag Elisabeth, Piper, Paty, Bethany, Lillian, S William and Princess in Golashes. Muhahahaha!


chanceofbooks said...

I think #1 is the fib.

chanceofbooks said...

I think #1 is the fib.

Elisabeth Naughton said...

I think #2 is the fib.

Erin said...

I'm gonna say #4, but mostly because I don't remember seeing a wedding ring. Hmmm...

Paty Jager said...

I'm going to say #3.

Princess in Galoshes said...

I'll guess # 2. But if it's true, I want to see pictures!

And if it's a lie, I think you should start the collection right away.