Friday, October 20, 2006

Love story of my generation

Romeo and Juliet. Darcy and Elizabeth. Rhett and Scarlet.

Jim and Pam.

Yes, that's Jim and Pam from NBC's The Office - remake of the British comedy. They love each other. They laugh together. But they can't seem to simply get together.

Pam, o Pam. Don't you see how wonderful Jim is? He's the perfect man! He's kind, sweet, cute, funny. And he really knows how to pull pranks on Dwight.

Jim, don't give up on her. You need to be patient because she just got out of a bad relationship. If you love her, give her time. You deserve the best and she's great for you.

Sigh. We all need a Jim.


Elisabeth Naughton said...

My DH watches The Office. The only reason I watch now and then (when I'm not writing) is because of Jim and Pam.


Which means, if the writers are good, those two will NEVER get together.

Lisa Pulliam said...

They better freaking get together! They are so cute :-)

Lisa Pulliam said...

I pegged Eli for a Josh Holloway fan. It surprises me that you like him. It's not a bad surprise, he's just different from a lot of the men you seem to like. But we all have our outlier, don't we? My outlier is Ethan Embry. He makes me melt :-)

Elisabeth Naughton said...

Josh Holloway? I'm googling now...

Elisabeth Naughton said...
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Lisa Pulliam said...

And the verdict is?

Elisabeth Naughton said...

oh boy. Yeah. He does it for me too.


Lisa Pulliam said...


Paty Jager said...

I don't watch the office and I don't know who Josh Holloway is, but the strong, silent guy on Men In Trees has got my blood to pumping!!